
All wholesale sales are handled through our Oliver + S brand. To place a wholesale order, you must have a wholesale account with Oliver + S.

Existing Wholesale Customers

If you have an Oliver + S wholesale account, you may use our wholesale website to place your Straight Stitch Society order.

> Log in to your wholesale account

If you have ordered from Oliver + S in the past but do not have a website log in, please contact information@oliverands.com for assistance.

New Wholesale Customers

Thank you for your interest in carrying Straight Stitch Society patterns.

Before creating new wholesale accounts, we validate that all customers have either a bricks-and-mortar retail store or a proprietary e-commerce website. Once we have established your account, we will process your order and email you information to access our wholesale customer website.

To place your first order, please complete our wholesale order form:

> Wholesale order form

You may fax your form to us at +1-347-422-0970 or e-mail your order to orders@oliverands.com.